Upstream Prevention

We know that prevention works. Here’s a popular story that illustrates the significant impact of going upstream now to prevent future downstream issues.

Special Thanks to Resilient Wisconsin for this Content

The Changing Landscape of Marijuana Use

The challenges alongside Staying Ahead of Substance Abuse are rapidly changing with the Marijuana landscape. This report is being sited as one of the most popular STEP reports in use today.

Download the Report

Community-Lead Environmental Scan

Map View

When you look at it this way, you’ll see that Cannabis, Liquor, Vape and Consumable Hemp are very close to our Community’s Child Care Centers.

Map Data Provided by Pam Ashley, M.Ed. with Support and Training for the Evaluation of Programs (STEPs)

6 Prevention Strategies

PMP receives a governmental grant though SAMHSA, which subscribes to these 6 Primary Prevention Principles.

SAMHSA Primary Prevention Strategies

SAMHSA requires that grantees spend an allotment  of their grant on substance abuse primary prevention strategies. These strategies are directed at individuals not identified to be in need of treatment.

Grantees must develop a comprehensive primary prevention program that includes activities and services provided in a variety of settings. The program must target both the general population and sub-groups that are at high risk for substance abuse. The program must include, but is not limited to, the following strategies:

Information Dissemination

provides knowledge and increases awareness of the nature and extent of alcohol and other drug use, abuse, and addiction, as well as their effects on individuals, families, and communities. It also provides knowledge and increases awareness of available prevention and treatment programs and services. It is characterized by one-way communication from the information source to the audience, with limited contact between the two.


builds skills through structured learning processes. Critical life and social skills include decision making, peer resistance, coping with stress, problem solving, interpersonal communication, and systematic and judgmental capabilities. There is more interaction between facilitators and participants than there is for information dissemination.


provide opportunities for target populations to participate in activities that exclude alcohol and other drugs. The purpose is to discourage use of alcohol and other drugs by providing alternative, healthy activities.

Problem Identification and Referral

aims to identify individuals who have indulged in illegal or age-inappropriate use of tobacco or alcohol and individuals who have indulged in the first use of illicit drugs. The goal is to assess if their behavior can be reversed through education. This strategy does not include any activity designed to determine if a person is in need of treatment.

Community-Based Process

provides ongoing networking activities and technical assistance to community groups or agencies. It encompasses neighborhood-based, grassroots empowerment models using action planning and collaborative systems planning.


establishes or changes written and unwritten community standards, codes, and attitudes. Its intent is to influence the general population’s use of alcohol and other drugs.